Dog's abnormal and disease

Treatment of the first step is to find the disease as soon as possible. The owner of a dog on weekdays contact with the dog, the dogs will find some unusual circumstances, it is often a symptom of the disease. The dog's owner to master a number of appropriate knowledge, through the abnormal situation to determine the risk of disease, early treatment is conducive to the healthy growth of the dog.

Ocular abnormalities

Eye observation methods: hand check under the eyelid and conjunctiva. Under normal circumstances should be slightly pink in the red. Conjunctival color changes with the physical conditions change, so check it every day.

Abnormal eye symptoms:

Too many eyes lost its luster to the white of the eye turbidity abnormal eye, not all eye diseases, such as infectious diseases, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes and other diseases, will also appear abnormal eye. Suffering from several diseases, the conjunctiva will show different colors, these may help you determine the disease. A: inflammation, congestive red when the conjunctiva; B: liver disease, filariasis cause jaundice disease, conjunctival yellow; C: anemia, then conjunctiva is white; D: respiratory, heart disease caused by green grouper, the conjunctiva into Green purple.

Oral abnormalities

Healthy dogs, mouth odor-free, general saliva few, in addition to the hot summer in particular circumstances, would not have a lot of saliva.

Oral abnormal symptoms: smell population increase saliva, and entrainment bloodshot eat show a painful expression tongue, cheek mucosa color inside as usual do not. The reasons for bad breath, may be the teeth, periodontal disease. Saliva blood, pain when eating, may be stomatitis, cancer or periodontal disease caused by deterioration. Sometimes, stomatitis is infectious diseases, kidney disease omen, often accompanied by fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and so on, we should as soon as possible to the animal hospital for treatment.

Abnormal nose

Nose abnormal symptoms: nasal tip dry out like pus out of the same runny nose continuous sneezing in a healthy condition, in addition to sleep and just wake up, the dog's nose should be moist, the surface layer of transparent liquid . If the dog at the same time there is no spirit, no appetite, runny nose, like pus, the non-stop sneezing and other symptoms may be suffering from nasal disease, or infectious diseases (tip is wet, do not necessarily represent the health). Nosebleeds are also a symptom of many diseases. Unexplained repeated the nose may be suffering from filariasis.

Ear abnormalities

Ear abnormal symptoms: ① ear itch back and forth as a result of foul smelly fever, red dog's health, like ears and mouth, there is no smell. If there is cerumen, please clean swab or gauze. In the dog's ear, the most common disease is otitis externa. If the ear is only some black secretions and dirt, using a special point of ear medicine can cure, but if there is ear fever, ulcers, accompanied by the stench, and kept shaking his head and other symptoms, it may be severe otitis externa, or otitis media with a. Drooping ears, ears with hairy varieties must be particularly careful in these diseases.