Dogs mating

Female dogs mating period, generally 8-10 months after birth, after birth Male dog is two years or one year and about a month. There are exceptions, such as the male dogs in two years after birth, females were over one and a half years after mating as well. Dog mating female dogs during the night than 2-3 months.

Saint Bernard dog and Denmark German shepherds, have to fully become a big dog before entering the mating season. But there are occasional cases in which Minor Kennel not suddenly ran back, and back to the time of pregnancy, so, to 1 female dogs age, special attention should be observed. Appears to be ripe Male dog mating period, with their own fertility breed, but without the rules of estrus. Female dogs mating period is 8-12 months after birth right, after every five months or six months there will be rules estrus cycle. Female dogs mating the most appropriate period of female genital dogs began to appear pale blood secretion of a few days, that is, menstruation began on the 15th of 10 after a mating time, when the female genital dogs will ovulation. Fen is the best period of mating. Ovulation date from the second day of the easiest pregnancy, ovulation period, and female dogs will not let Male dog close. Ovulation period will continue to hemorrhage about 1 weeks. In general, healthy female dogs every 5-6 months will be the first estrus, therefore, female dogs mating twice a year, but mating time about 10 days. Mating can take the next day mixed law, that is the first time after mating, and then separated on the 1st mating, but also separated on the 1st mating again, with a total of mating sub-3 second to complete. This approach is combined with estrogen-fat dog Qian period physiological characteristics, but also conducive to male and female dogs of rest, and can guarantee the high pregnancy rate.