Feeding pets to prevent disease

Cats, dogs and other pets, not only to foster love, ease the loneliness, but also improve immunity, reduce the occurrence of various diseases. According to the British "Daily Mail" has reported that according to a recent study found that pet lovers suffering from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) risk than non-pet lower 1 / 3.
University of California and Stanford University scientists found that school-age children have a pet of the less sick leave, on the grounds that the children of the stronger resistance to various infections, and they will suffer from allergies or asthma are relatively low incidence . Researchers in the 4000 investigation found that exposure to environmental allergens and toxins, contribute to the protection of the human body, to prevent the occurrence of certain tumors.

The survey also found that pet people who suffer from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is much lower than the risk of exposure to pets has never been, but the tumor has become a highly developed countries the incidence of a disease.

The researchers said that the families keep pets, will not necessarily increase the risk of certain diseases, on the contrary, may play a role in disease prevention.