Sausage dogs

Basic introduction
Place of Origin: Germany
Uses: Flooding badger
History: originated in the 20th century
Wool quality: Short-haired, long hair, bristle.
Height: 13 ~ 23 cm
Weight :4-5 kg

The origin of mini sausage dog
Obvious than the standard model similar to a small number, a total of three types, short-haired, long hair and bristles. With the standard model are the same family as dogs泰克尔in (Teckel) future generations. Its species classification, the beginning is based on weight classification, until now such a classification is still quite reliable. Its large mouth wide open eyes over the horizon, and has a muscular body, very much a hound demeanor and physical abilities due.

Short-haired mini sausage dog
Short-haired mini-dressed, short and thick and close to the physical; has a wide dynamic ears, hollow on each side have a prominent sternum, and with curved toes feet wide.

Mini long-haired sausage dog
Mini long-haired and long straight hair, some parts have long edge hair; the neck and the lower part of the hair the longest, tail side has hair, only a limited number of feet gross; rear foot smaller than the foreleg.

Setae mini sausage dog
Mini bristles are rough and have the same length of setae around the body, as well as plexiform eyebrows, ears on the relatively short hair; setae mini sausage dog until 1959 only in the United Kingdom access to formal ratification.