dog food info

If you want to use fresh food to feed pets, you have to ensure that the material be able to give nutrition to maintain dog health. Flora and fauna can be protein and vegetables, rice, pasta, cereals or other foods mixed together in order to guarantee the health of the required protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Basic food - meat and vegetables can supply the necessary nutrients and dogs all the elements.

Meat: fat content of minced meat which many of the dog is not as harmful to the people as, dog food are the main source of heat.

Pasta: pasta and noodles are an important source of carbohydrates, and tasteless, so often plus more flavor.

Animal heart: It is dog know, the heart with a lot of fat, the calorie content of the kidneys or other organs are double, so add at heart when fed a certain restraint.

Liver: liver, like other meat, like a high phosphorus content and low calcium content. Liver is rich in vitamins A and B1.

Fresh fruits and vegetables: No cooked vegetables and fruits, like carrots, cabbage and apple like vitamin supplements are good things.

Chicken: chicken and turkey are easy to digest, and the heat content is lower than other meats.

Fish: feed the fish at the time, you have to be very careful to put a very small fishbone have to weed out.

Rice: cooked rice easy to digest. And chicken mixed together to feed the best dog illness recovery. Eat breakfast cereal with milk, can be rich in vitamins, delicious and light.

Scrambled eggs: light and nutritious, according to pet know, scrambled eggs and sick puppies are the ideal recovery food.

Vegetarian: Tofu, mixed vegetables dog did not like cats are pure carnivores. They can also be a vegetarian to eat to survive, because they can plant protein and fat into the body to maintain the required elements. If you want to give their all to feed a vegetarian dog, because in general more difficult to provide all vegetarian nutrition, for this purpose must first consult a veterinary surgeon.

Nutritional analysis of fresh meat meat protein fat water containing 88% heat tripe 9% 3% 264 kJ 80% renal 16% 2.6%

360 kJ 74% Chicken 20% 4.3% 506 kJ beef 74% 20% 4.6% 515 kJ pork 72% 20% 7.1%

615 kJ 70% of mutton 20% 8.8% 678 thousand anxious 70% 14% 15.5% 824 kJ.