dog sleep information

Dog sleep in general there is no fixed time, 24 hours a day, which will always be able to sleep, have a chance to sleep. But the more concentrated or more of sleep time at around noon, 23 o'clock in the morning. Dogs sleep every day for varying periods.

When the dog to sleep, always enjoy your mouth hidden in two lower extremities below, This is because dog's nose most sensitive sense of smell, it is necessary to properly protect them. At the same time, they will guarantee that the alert around the nose in order to respond at all times.

Old dog and young dog sleep longer, sleep less young dog.

General dog in shallow sleep, the slightest movement can be awakened, but there are also a time when sleeping. After sleeping dog can not easily be awakened, sometimes issued balderdash, such as light bark, moan and twitch with limbs and head, head down in between the two forepaw often have one ear close to the ground. Often sleep side, and the whole body started to come. Looks very earned.

Sleep dog can not easily be awakened by a friend and master, but still very sensitive to the voice of strangers.

Dog to sleep after being awakened, and often appears to feel very bad, very unhappy people awaken its just been awakened awake dog eyes dim, even at the time the owner had admitted not come out. So dissatisfied with its master and sometimes also give vent to, to you, such as dissatisfaction with the bark.