Dog teeth problem

There is also the issue of dog teeth, and so, as dog owners, dog must want for Brush every day to prevent plaque, tartar formation and gum disease. You can shop at pet supplies dog or animal clinics purchase the exclusive use of toothbrushes and toothpaste; young children with soft hair brush can be, but do not use human toothpaste for a dog brush, which does not give rise to the digestive system of dogs . Labels in accordance with the instructions on the toothpaste, with the right amount of toothpaste, we should bear in mind that each dog is only the surface of the tooth brush again. In the first several times, dogs are not used to children would escape while the East West channeling, you will have to be patient and help it to adapt. What if the dogs would not brush your teeth, you can be soft towel or sterile gauze pad for dog teeth cleaning. You may wish to add into the dog food with some coarse grinding or crisp foods (such as grain and vegetables and many foods such as fiber), these foods can be friction in the chewing surface of teeth, oral hygiene will help.